Join me on this cycling journey



As I get closer to my 3400 mile cycling (with perhaps a short train ride) fundraising trip from Albuquerque to Baltimore via Florida, I’m starting to get nervous.  Riding through dozens of uninhabited miles – at times on roads with no shoulders – is scary. What am I thinking?

The goal of starting my own nonprofit to focus on re-entry of people from prison to society was an initial goal.  I had practiced law for 27 years (the last 5 as an assistant public defender). I continued  in the legal field for 7 more years (research, mediations).  Moving to Albuquerque, I was fortunate to find a job with a start-up nonprofit that focused on reading and graduation.  I met many wonderful people in Albuquerque working on the same issues.  I learned how hard it is to start your own nonprofit.  I also learned about people, nonprofits and community organizations throughout this country that already have fantastic programs to assist with re-entry.

Hope.  Promise.  Reduction of recidivism, homelessness and the crime rate.  More productive citizens.  Fewer crime victims.

Thus, New Beginnings Work is born.

Thanks to my sister Kathleen for helping with the design and planning.

Wings for Life, Crossroads for Women (both in Albuquerque), Goodwill Industries of the Chesapeake and Volunteers of America Chesapeake (both in Baltimore) all offer excellent programs and services for those working to put prison life behind them.    These are the organizations for which I am raising money.

A car accident (where I collided with a person who ran a red light) put my training on hold and I still have lingering neck, shoulder and back issues but I’m moving toward healing.

I’m hopeful I can begin on March 5th!  More to come.  Peace out.

4 thoughts on “Join me on this cycling journey

  1. I am very excited to join you on the journey, hoping to join in either Gulf Shores or Oensacola and ride to Tallahassee


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